Our proprietary platform technology
Unlocking the power of diffusion tensor imaging
How to decipher white matter?
White matter is organized in fibers of axons, restricting the free movement of water molecules within the brain as a consequence of normal physiology. Monitoring the movement of water molecules in white matter fibers helps identifying abnormalities associated with neurological diseases or brain injuries.
What is Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)?
DTI is an MRI technique that measures water molecule diffusion and its directionality. The analysis of water diffusion is performed by applying magnetic field gradients in different directions and then estimated using a three-dimensional diffusion model (the tensor).
Based on this tensor model, 4 markers are commonly extracted:
- FA (fractional anisotropy) is a marker of the microstructural integrity of fibers. It is not specific to the type of change, thus not allowing to distinguish myelin from axonal alterations. Demyelination, inflammation, edema, and axonal damage are some of the alterations which can lead to decreases in FA.
- MD (mean diffusivity) is a marker of water content. Demyelination, inflammation, axonal damage, vasogenic edema can lead to an increase in MD, while tumors, hemorrhages and cytotoxic edema will decrease MD.
- AD (axial diffusivity) is a marker of axonal integrity. Increases in AD are associated with an increase in axonal diameter and possibly axonal regeneration, while decreases in AD are attributed to axonal degeneration, fragmentation and accumulation of cellular debris.
- RD (radial diffusivity) is a marker of myelin integrity, increasing with demyelination, dysmyelination, decreases in axonal density, and cytotoxic edema.

Inspired from Jiangyang Zhang et al, TrendsInNeurosciences 2012
A simple and accessible technology
DTI requires no additional equipment, contrast agents, or chemical tracers, as it is available on most conventional MR scanner’s setups with fast data acquisition protocols for this sequence. Extensive research published during last decades have demonstrated the power of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) markers to detect white matter alterations, but DTI is not yet used systematically in clinical routine.
Overcoming barriers
The adoption of DTI in clinical routine usually faces two main challenges:
- Variability in markers arising from different hardware, acquisition protocols, and environments,
- A lack of reference data, which compromises the possibility of analysing results. BrainTale overcomes these obstacles thanks to its proprietary method for calibrating individual MRI protocols and databases of DTI markers.
BrainTale offers reliable, reproducible and quantitative markers derived from DTI imaging through its platform brainTale-care.
BRAINTALE, whose head office is 11 rue de l’Académie 67000 – STRASBOURG, is registered with the Trade and Companies Register under number 840 995 138 RCS STRASBOURG
Last update : 09/07/2024